Causa do aquecimento global: antropogênica versus natural


  • Robson Willians da Costa Silva
  • Beatriz Lima de Paula


Global warming, greenhouse effect


CAUSES OF GLOBAL WARMING: ANTHROPOGENIC VERSUS NATURAL The controversies about the possible causes and effects of global warming are still little publicized, but can not be ignored. The predictions on the intensity of global warming and on its causes and consequences involve complex issues on which the scientific community itself has not yet reached a consensus. This paper discuss several point-of-views about global warming, not as to put the responsibily on human action during its brief history on Earth, nor the Earth’s climate cycling, but to bring important information on the subject. This can help getting information and a mature opinion as based on scientific results. Increasing research on the several factors that cause fluctuations and climate change is needed, towards allowing comparisons between the characteristics of this global warming with the characteristics of the several earlier events of global warming




