O cristal, o ferro e o sal: recursos minerais do antigo Guairá (1557-1632), atual estado do Paraná


  • Jefferson de Lima Picanço
  • Maria José M. de Mesquita


Mineral resources, South America, Guairá, amethyst, iron


The current research deals with the importance of mineral resources to the success and failure of the spanish colonization at the ancient Guairá. The Guairá, currently Paraná state, was a former spanish province that belonged to the colonial Paraguay. The spanish villas and Jesuitical Reductions were destroyed by the paulistas, in 1629-32. The search for metal ore was important at the Guairá’s settlement, just as in other regions of the Spanish America. The metals were virtually absent, and the spaniards had explored Yerba mate (Ilex paraguaiensis) as economical resource. The main mineral resources at that time were amethyst and iron. The jesuits also reported the existence of salt deposits in Guairá. The amethyst ore provoked a rebellion in Ciudad Real del Guairá in 1569. The iron was exploited from laterite by the spaniards and Jesuitic’s Reductions. The former siderurgical experience of the spaniards was important for the incipient iron industry developed. The absence of precious metal resources and the paulistas dispute for native’s labour took the evacuation of the Guairá by spaniards




