Trabalhos de campo na disciplina de Geologia Introdutória: a saída autônoma e seu papel didático


  • Adalberto Scortegagna
  • Oscar Braz Mendonza Negrão


The article describes diverse types of fieldwork and its didactic roles, relating them with a discipline of applied Introductory Geology for the course of Geography. The types of field works are: the Illustrative, Inductive field, Motivator, Trainer and Investigative types. It is here suggested a new proposal of fieldwork, the Autonomous field activity, when pupils carry through works without the presence of the professor in the field. This new work proposal favors to continuous investigative activities along the disciplines, therefore from the subjects that are approached on classrooms, pupils have the possibility of make relationships between the theory and its application in the daily one. Another important aspect is to allow the total participation of the group, therefore the schedules of field trips are set by appointments the proper study groups, this is of a special interest for groups of the nocturnal period, that shows a lesser participation in fieldwork on weekends




